Thursday, February 27, 2014

Brazil's Comic Book Carnival

Monica and Friends will walk with Samba  School  Rosas de Ouro at Sao Paulo’s Carnival Parade

This Friday, February 28th, the Samba School Rosas do Ouro (Roses of Gold) Society will present the theme unforgettable with the presence of Monica and her friends at the parade.

The School will present their theme in the four phases of life: childhood, adolescence, adulthood and old age. The school will be the second of the special category to march in the Sao Paulo Carnaval, with close to three thousand people participating in the parade.

The character’s float has childhood as a theme and carries the name “Childhood Fascination”. Monica, Jimmy Five, Smudge, Maggie, Chuck Billy, Rosie, Franklin, Angel and Thunder are all participating characters in the parade.

The traditional samba school of the Northern Region was founded in October 1971 and already won seven titles in the Sao Paulo Carnival in the special category.

In 2007, Mauricio de Sousa(Monica's creator) was the theme of a different Samba School, Unidos do Peruche(States of Peruche, a tropical bird), also of Sao Paulo.

(Original article: Turma da Mônica desfilará na Rosas de Ouro no carnaval paulistano, written by Marcelo Naranjo on February 27, 2014. Reprinted and translated with permission from UniversoHQ)
Marvel Entertainment/Macy's 

As Spider-Man has been a staple in the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade and hundreds of thousands of superheroes go trick or treating every October 31st, it is good to see comic characters so intertwined with cultural traditions.

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