Friday, March 21, 2014

How Much Would You Pay For a Comic? Name Your Price

The online comic store Mais Gibis(More Comics) is premiering a new way of payment, called “Name Your Price”, for select titles.

With this option, the reader will decide how much they want to pay for some editions, like Gibi Quântico("Quantam Comics") or Manual da Autodestruição("Self-destruction Manual"), and collaborate with the creators. The price paid could be any value upwards of 1 Real(.50 US cents). If the reader prefers, they can enter R$0.00 and download the issues for free.
Quantam Comics,  available through Mais Comics is created by 10 writers and various talents of Brazil

"Quantam Comics" is one of the new titles available through the site. Others include Pieces 1 and 2, by Mario Cau; and Os Passarinhos e Outros Bichos("The Birds and Other Animals"), by Estevão Ribeiro and published by Balão Editorial.(Other titles do not feature the "Name Your Price" flexibility)

To see the full catalog of digital titles, check out the site.

(Original article: Site Mais Gibis estreia o modelo Quer pagar quanto? Written by Samir Naliato on March 19, 2014. Reprinted and translated by permission from UniversoHQ)

Stateside, Brian K. Vaughan(Saga, Y the Last Man, Runaways) and Marcos Martin(Daredevil, Doctor Strange:The Oath, The Amazing Spider-Man) teamed up to “deliver original comics directly to readers around the world, who pay whatever the hell they want…” This format takes the middle man(distributors, publishers) out of the picture and all proceeds go right to the hands of the creators. Their digital exclusive series, The Private Eye, has been getting rave reviews and is currently in the middle of its proposed ten issue run. 
Brian K. Vaughan and Marcos Martin through The Panel Syndicate

An appreciated feature is that the issues are available in English, Spanish and Catalan- with older issues available in additional Portuguese and French as well. Try it out at

This is a great way to show comics are not a luxury item and that the medium can be enjoyed by all cultures and economic classes. Comics are for everyone!

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